Monday, July 22, 2013

How Deep Must The Ideological Change Be?

Well, considering the fact that we are living in the Dark Ages of economics the complete reversal away from statism towards liberalism is very deep!

And considering the fact that economics has detached itself from ethics the essential and now scientifically-possible merging of ethics and economics represents a change that is very deep!

It can be said that the ideological change is so deep that those individuals who have already reached maturity will have to unlearn their miseducation, and that those individuals who are building a foundation of knowledge as part of their maturing process will be able to be among the first generation to acquire an ideological framework that rests firmly on liberty and justice.

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Sunday, July 14, 2013

What Happens If Coercion Is Removed From Society?

It is replaced by social cooperation which is the natural order.

In the natural order voluntary societies will form with the size varying but generally these societies will be fairly small and the societies will be very diverse. Specific aspects of social cooperation within each society will be a part of its defining characteristics but since everyone benefits from social cooperation the interactions between the diverse societies will be peaceful and everyone will prosper as a result.

Social cooperation is the greatest criterion for justice. If coercion does appear in a society then people will leave that society and that society will either change its ways or fade away. Individuals who fail to voluntarily cooperate with the ethics of a society will begin to feel repercussions from within that society. Perhaps another society has more compatible arrangements and that individual will be better off emigrating there. Asocial individuals will end up without a community. That is unfortunate but the ethics of social cooperation is ultimately the best way to provide justice.

There is no coercion. The ethics of each society develops and evolves, and is inspired by and moved by the evolving and developing ethics of civilization as a whole.

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Friday, July 12, 2013

Are There Any Books About The Divine Economy Theory?


There are four core books. One about macroeconomics, one about microeconomics, one about ethical economics, and one about economic justice.

Then there are four books composed as sets of these four core books. There is a book set of the combination of macro and micro economics, There is a book set combining macro and micro and ethical economics. Also there is a set that combines ethical economics and economic justice. And finally there is the magnum opus which is a combination of macro and micro and ethical economics and economic justice.

Here is your direct link to these books.

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Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Attacking Capital Stems From What?

Preface: Crony capitalism is a manifestation of fascism and so of course it is deplorable. But that is not what a free society that appreciates capital looks like.

Those who attack capital out of ignorance of what it is as an economic concept, or those who attack capital for ideological reasons, are ultimately attacking property rights.

Those attacking capital for ideological reasons are fully aware that they are attacking property rights. While those attacking capital out of economic ignorance of the role of capital in the economy do not realize how destructive their ignorance is. Property rights are human rights and so their perverse objection to capital is destructive of civilization. The ideological opponents of capital are well aware of the destructiveness of their beliefs - they are anti-social and they are deniers of the nobility of the human spirit.

To remain ignorant of economics plays into the hands of the malevolent. If you are hesitant to read economics because it seems like a dry discipline then I suggest that you read the books in the divine economy theory series. Instead of something dry you will find something very thrilling!

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Wednesday, July 3, 2013

What Is Economic Intervention Or Interventionism?

Intervention is the ego-driven act of interfering with the natural processes that occur in the market. It is ego-driven because there is no way the finite mind can comprehend the market processes, yet despite this the interventionist interferes.

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