Saturday, June 22, 2013

Why Is Socialism Contrary To Natural Law?

The simple answer is: Because humans are subjective!

Natural law defines the characteristics that are inherent and specific to a particular entity. Humans are subjective with each one possessing a unique array of personality traits and life experiences and perceptions and judgments.

The 'one size fits all' coercion of socialism is unnatural and antithetical to the human reality.

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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

What Is Capital?

Capital is about the interaction of humans with time. The human potential is very great and when an effort is made to explore and discover and nurture that potential by making some immediate sacrifice then capital is part of that human endeavor.

It is a natural and vital part of the human operating system.

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Saturday, June 15, 2013

Were the Founding Fathers Of America Christians Or Deists?

The debate about whether the Founding Fathers were Christians or Deists is a diversionary tactic used in the State-funded education system that dilutes what is truly relevant. Their firm belief in the philosophy of classical liberalism is the critically important point!

A second question: What is your knowledge of classical liberalism?

A third question: Knowing that you have been indoctrinated by the State, are you not going to use the powerful internet to find out more about classical liberalism?

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Friday, June 14, 2013

Is War Used To Divert Attention?

War is definitely used to divert resources from peaceful and cooperative endeavors to destructive and uncivilizing acts against fellow human beings.

Of course those with the obsolete prejudices of nationalism quickly clamor for war and the propagandists kick in high gear so that any and all other important issues are minimalized - conveniently!

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Wednesday, June 12, 2013

What Do All Of The Uprisings By The People Around The World Have In Common?

They are tired of being lied to by the political class, who do not abide by the laws that are enforced against everyone else!

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Saturday, June 8, 2013

Why Are People Skeptical Of Their Own Freedom?

Which really is skepticism about the freedom of others, of everyone. Which begs the question: Why ordain a hierarchical system that has inevitable tendencies towards corruption to be the guardian of freedom rather than accepting that you and your fellow human beings who naturally benefit from social cooperation are worthy and best suited?
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What Happens If You Search For Information Via The Internet Or By Using The Phone?

You may find a different version than what mainstream media is permitted to circulate. And then you ask yourself: Is searching for accurate information only a crime in the eyes of a totalitarian State?

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Friday, June 7, 2013